Healing the Mother Wound
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

Healing the Mother Wound

If we run from this discomfort, we may never find the inner strength and wisdom within us that helps us live our most authentic and fulfilling lives.

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How to Embrace the Unknown
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

How to Embrace the Unknown

If we run from this discomfort, we may never find the inner strength and wisdom within us that helps us live our most authentic and fulfilling lives.

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Why Group Therapy Works for Zillennial Women
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

Why Group Therapy Works for Zillennial Women

Despite being more connected than ever before through technology, many Zillennial women feel a lack of genuine community and connection. They may feel isolated, alone, and disconnected from their peers, which can lead to a sense of existential angst.

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Trusting Your Inner Voice
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

Trusting Your Inner Voice

Women’s group therapy can help you to trust your inner voice, ultimately helping you make the right decisions for your life, and to feel empowered and fulfilled.

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Invisible Labor
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

Invisible Labor

Invisible labor refers to all the tasks that go into keeping a household or organization running smoothly, but often go unnoticed and unappreciated. You know, like making sure there's toilet paper, keeping the fridge stocked, or remembering important details that make things run efficiently. These tasks are often considered "women's work" and are not acknowledged as real work.

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Shine Bright on International Women’s Day
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

Shine Bright on International Women’s Day

Shine Theory is recognizing that true confidence is infectious, and if someone is tearing you down or targeting you as competition, it's often because they are lacking in confidence or support themselves. By surrounding ourselves with empowered women, and being a supportive and encouraging presence for others, we can all shine brighter together.

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Validating Our Collective Struggle
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

Validating Our Collective Struggle

Women on average earn less than men for the same work, and this disparity is even greater for women of color. In the US, for every 100 men who are promoted, only 86 women are promoted (McKinsey & Company, 2021).

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Benefits of Drop-In Online Therapy Groups For Women
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

Benefits of Drop-In Online Therapy Groups For Women

Online drop-in therapy groups provide a convenient, supportive and cost-effective way for women to access mental health support, and to make real and powerful change in their lives through a sense of belonging to a broader community of supportive women.

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Why We Need Each Other
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

Why We Need Each Other

Research in the Harvard Business Review finds that women who support other women are more successful in their careers.

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Difficulties of Being Mixed Race in America
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

Difficulties of Being Mixed Race in America

Mixed race individuals may face micro-aggressions such as being asked to "choose" a racial identity, being told that they "don't look" a certain way, or being referred to as “exotic."

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Overcoming White Fragility
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

Overcoming White Fragility

White fragility is not a personal characteristic or trait of an individual, rather it is a result of the socialization in a society that has a history of white dominance and it's important for white people to understand and recognize it in order to actively work on dismantling it.

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How Your Boss Can Impact Your Mental Health
Kaci Smith Kaci Smith

How Your Boss Can Impact Your Mental Health

Your boss plays a significant role in shaping your work environment and can have a significant impact on your mental health. A good boss can provide support, guidance, and opportunities for growth, while a bad boss can contribute to stress, anxiety, and burnout.

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